During the spring has the students Victoria Vucic, Joel Nyholm, Alexander Racho, Rasmus Flomén, Simon Stender from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola developed a prototype-solution for tracking how trolleys move in real-time inside of a warehouse as well as that they pick up and deliver their orders correctly.
Costumer and specifier for this project have been HiQ in Karlskrona and Areff together. Today the students are presenting their results as a part of BTHS final presentation for the spring-projects
“A amazingly exciting project where passive RFID have been used to locate trolleys, objects and drivers in real-time inside a industrial environment. The plan going forward is that we at Areff together with HiQ will present these ideas for interested costumers during this fall.” – says Fredrik Martinsson, CTO at Areff.
Areff would first and formost thank the students Victoria Vucic, Joel Nyholm, Alexander Racho, Rasmus Flomén, Simon Stender for a well executed project as well as Martin Fredriksson and Thomas Österling on HiQ for a good collaboration on this project.